I am going to provide you a ton of options for learning programming below. I am not sure what type of programing you are wanting to learn so there will be options that apply to different languages. I have tried to outline which ones I remember being free but have also given paid options that you might choose to use in the future. As you go through this, if I have helped you in any way please remember to leave an upvote and follow me, I would really appreciate it.
Right of the bat remember that you learn programming by programming. So the sooner you start typing code, the better off you are going to be.
I love your ambition and desire to learn programming and I know learning coding will be a huge benefit for you in your life.
Here is where I would start first and then below I have provided additional information:
1. https://www.codecademy.com/ (Free)- This is a solid place to get foundations on programming. I am not sure which type of programming you are thinking but this should give you a good place to go.
2. https://code.org/ (Free)- Another great place to get your foot in the door.
3. Once you have goot a grasp on this stuff then begin going to the website I have added below and learn more and more.
Here are my recommendations that I would take as you want to learn more with descriptions below:
1. Figure out how you will learn / find a course
2. Mentor / Tutor
3. Prep for the interviews with good books, etc.
4. List of places for you to go to find courses and resources for all different types of programming.
1. Find an amazing course
I believe that the best way to learn programming is to find out what works for you. Whether that is tutorials, courses, books, etc. I am a big fan of figuring out a project to create and then learning as I go.
Just like basketball, the best way to learn is by playing the game. So don't worry so much about "how" you are going to do it and focus on just digging in and doing it.
2. Mentor / Tutor
I recommend getting a mentor / tutor because there are always times that you are going to get confused and stuck, by having someone to go to during those times can really cut your learning time down since you won't spend forever being stuck.
I personally believe in Udemy a ton and have a course on the platform. We go through the steps of what you need to know to land a job along with teaching you HOW to program and not just copy our code. We also offer live help and tutoring to do our part in ensuring you are successful. I would highly recommend you check that course out since the tutoring alone is extremely valuable. You can check that out here: iOS 9 and Swift 2: From Beginner to Paid Professional
3. Prep for interview
- I highly recommend going through this book! It will help you prepare for the inevitable programming interviews: Cracking the Coding Interview: 150 Programming Questions and Solutions: Gayle Laakmann McDowell: 9780984782802: Amazon.com: Books
- Project Euler: About - Project Euler - This is a great website to go to for you to work through problems and get your mind in that sort of thinking.
- CodeWars - Page on codewars.com - Practicing your code will be key and this is a great website to do it. In fact you have to pass a few questions in order to sign up. It's a ton of fun :)
4. List of places for you to go and learn on top of what I have given you.
1. Stanford on iTunes U - Free Course by Stanford on iTunes U
2. Harvard University - Computer Science
3. Udemy - Udemy: Online Courses Anytime, Anywhere
4. Khan Academy - Khan Academy
5. Lynda - Online video tutorials & training
6. Team Treehouse - Learn Web Design, Web Development, and More | Treehouse
8. Udacity - Course catalog - Udacity
These guys have a pretty solid set of courses that will help get you going.
9. Coursera - Page on coursera.org
10. Book - iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
11. Apples Documentation - Introduction
12. NShipster - NSHipster
13. Javascript Books -
Again this is not online but can be good to have for this type of programming if you ever decide to grab a few books.
- Book: Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja
- Book: Eloquent JavaScript
- Book: JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
14. AppleTV Tutorial -
This is a tutorial we put together to help those interested in digging into the AppleTV.
15. Problem Solving - About - Project Euler
16. Code Wars - Page on codewars.com
17. Code School - Learn to Code by Doing - Code School
18. Pluralsight - Developer, IT & Creative Training by Pros
19. Skillcrush - Digital skills are job skills
20. Code Avengers - CodeAvengers
21. Tuts Plus - Tuts+
22. Skillshare - Master real-world skills with hands-on projects.
23. Mijingo - Learn Web Development and Design — Mijingo
24. SitePoint - SitePoint
25. CodeMarina - Learn to code | CoderMania
26. Alison - Free Online Courses & Online Learning from ALISON
27. Code Academy - https://www.codecademy.com/
Kevin Flint is a veteran marketer, mentor, programmer and coach with a top-selling iOS Course to help people become professional iOS developers:
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